
Major General ir. Lut Claes

Chair of ATHENA


General (ret) Jef Van den put

hon. Chair of ATHENA

ir. Yvan De Mesmaeker

Secretary General & Executive Committee Member

Prof. dr. Sven Biscop

Executive Committee Member

Col (Air) BEM ir. Tim Van Langenhove

Executive Committee Member


General Marc Compernol, ir.

Aide to the King

Chief of Defence


Baroness Michèle Coninsx

Assistant Secretary General

United Nations


Lieutenant General (ret) Guy Buchsenschmidt

Prof. Dr. Cor Bellanger - Col (ret)

Medical Toxicology & Crisis Management

KU Leuven - Faculty of Medicine


Lieutenant General Rudy Debaene, ir.


Major General (ret) Albert Husniaux, ir.

Chair Royal Higher Institute for Defence

Lieutenant General Philippe Grosdent

Aide to the King

Military Representative of Belgium to NATO

ir. Thierry Jacobs - Col (Res)

Strategic Analysis & Relations Executive

FN Herstal

Major General Michel Ocula, ir.

Chief of CIS & Infra Division - DGMR

Chief Superintendent Olivier Libois

Director general

Federal Administrative Police

Lieutenant General Jan Hennes, ir.

Aide to the King


Mr. Guy Rapaille

Deputy Prosecutor General

Chairman of the Standing Intelligence Agencies Review Committee

Vice Admiral (ret) Marc Ectors

Mr. Daniel Fransen

Pre-Trial Judge - Special Tribunal for Lebanon 



Former High Security & Defence Studies Coordinators:

Col (ret) Joe Dewez

BrigGen (ret) Patrick Nopens

LtCol (ret) Alain Spoiden

Col Eric Kalajzic

LtCol (ret) Patrick Goovaerts